A Holiday Wonk-Fest with the World's Most Pragmatic Climate Visionary: Amory Lovins
"Applied Hope," Radical energy efficiency, hypercars, the positive impact of the Ukraine War, and a take-down of nuclear power for those who should know better
Amory Lovins is neither an optimist nor a pessimist. He’s patented the idea of “Applied Hope.” In that holiday spirit of practical optimism, then, Hot Globe presents a Celebratory Wonk-Fest for the New Year, a talk with the author of Soft Energy Paths, Natural Capitalism (with Hunter Lovins and Paul Hawken,) and most recently Reinventing Fire—a man whose successful innovations go back 50 years and now point the way to a net-zero future for the planet. The world, you might say, is now living in “Amory’s Brain.” For our chat, Lovins is sitting in his net-zero passive solar manse in Aspen, Colorado, 6000 feet up in the mountains with an interior banana plantation behind him and snow all around. He’s not the least bit chilly.
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