How Thrill-Seekers Saved the Earth (So Far)
Oct 12, 2023
HOT GLOBE here with Richard Bangs. Few have done more to bring attention and enjoyment to wild places than Richard, who co-founded Sobek Travel, the world's largest adventure company. Like the Sierra Club's David Brower, Richard is a gentle philosopher of the Earth's beauty, but unlike Brower, he’s a high adrenaline thrill seeker at the same time. This is the 50th anniversary of Sobek’s founding, and Richard has an appropriate new book, CLICK The Art of Living Dangerously.
One of his wettest and wildest runs early on was down the Zambezi River in Africa. Nobody had ever gone so far since David Livingstone, the missionary. (“Dr. Livingstone, I presume?”) And since Richard was kind enough to write the foreword to my own new book--what a coincidence! --CLICK Last Days on the Zambezi, I thought we could have a conversation.
HOT GLOBE::Richard, over the last 50 years, you've given the world an appreciation for the beauty of our planet and what should be saved. Did you start out with such highfalutin intentions? [PRESS PLAY ABOVE]

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